If you haven't signed up for our Fall Champions of Coastal Resilience (CCR) Secondary Teacher Development Course, there is still time! This 8 session course is offered statewide for teachers of 6th-12th grade, over the course of the Fall 2021 semester. It will be held on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30 PM, starting on August 17th (see flyer for exact dates). It will be completely virtual and will be facilitated by Learning Endeavors' Executive Director, Diana Papini Warren. The course will touch on coastal field ecology, climate science and stewardship - all topics that are becoming more and more prevalent in our daily lives. Participating teachers will receive a Champions of Coastal Resilience resource kit, access to our CCR Online NGSS Aligned Curriculum & Teacher Dashboard, ongoing support and access to video production services, as well as a $250 stipend upon completion and implementation.
If you are interested in this special opportunity to learn more about coastal field ecology and climate science, as well as how to get your students engaged in these topics, you can register online at www.learningendeavors.org/professionaldevelopment.

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