Check out these amazing organizations and resources from our GIS DAY 2020 Celebration!
Organizations who we heard from:
Jennifer Learned,
Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project:
Dan Eisenberg + Allison Borrell,
East Maui Watershed Partnership

Sam Aruch,
Natural Resource Data Solutions: https://nrdsdata.com
Joseph J. Kerski, ESRI:
Kaili Kosaka + Koki Atcheson,
Coconut Rhinoceros
Beetle Response:
Patty Miller, Hawaiian Island Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary: https://hawaiihumpbackwhale.noaa.gov
Diana Papini Warren, Learning Endeavors:
Junior and Senior Field Ecology Students,
Kihei Chart School:
Resources for students and teachers from GIS Day:
Mapping Tools for teachers and students: https://www.arcgis.com/index.html
Reporting Invasive Species:
Marine Debris Tracker: https://debristracker.org/data
Scistarter: https://scistarter.org/
Zooniverse: https://www.zooniverse.org/
Story Map of Maui Coral Reefs: https://arcg.is/1HiSC5
GIS Day 2020 FB Live Blog Post from Joseph Kerski, ESRI Education Manager: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/04400b7577a7436b90574206f60a3e34
Name that place: A Multiple Choice Quiz About the Earth