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FREE PRESENTATION: "Shark Research in Hawaii – With an Emphasis on Maui" by Dr. Kim Holland

Learning Endeavors

See below for a message from Maui Nui Resource Council.

"Feeling concerned and curious about sharks after the recent attacks that occurred off Maui in November (2020), December (2020) and January (2021), as well as the February 2 incident off Ukumehame which involved a large shark biting a kayak?

Join us to learn more about our local sharks at a free Zoom presentation titled “Shark Research in Hawaii – With an Emphasis on Maui’ by Dr. Kim Holland, Research Professor at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) at University of Hawaii at Manoa and the founder of the Shark Research Group at HIMB.

This free talk is part of our monthly “Know Your Ocean Speaker Series” and will take place on Wednesday, March 3 at 5:30 pm via Zoom. The presentation is free, but advance reservations are required. To reserve your spot, please visit

For over 40 years Dr. Holland’s research has focused on the biology and movement patterns of large marine fishes such as tuna, billfishes and sharks. He has been a pioneer in helping to develop and deploy cutting edge tracking technologies that allow unprecedented insight into the movement patterns of marine fishes.

His presentation will include a brief overview of tracking technologies with an emphasis on what has been learned about the movements of sharks around Maui Nui. Maui Nui Marine Resource Council’s “Know Your Ocean Speaker Series” events are held monthly via Zoom. Support for these events is provided by the County of Maui Mayor’s Office of Economic Development.

The emcee for this event is Darla Palmer-Ellingson, local radio show host of the public affairs program, Island Environment 360 Maui’s only commercially broadcast public affairs show on environmental and related Hawaiian cultural topics, aired on the stations of H-Hawaii Media.

To reserve your spot at this free Zoom webinar, please visit"

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