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EDUCATOR OPPORTUNITY: Geospatial Educator's Certification Program (GeoEdC)

Learning Endeavors

If you are an educator interested in Geospatial Science and Technology (GST) please check out this opportunity offered by GeoEdC below:


"Geospatial Science and Technology (GST) integrates innovative tools and techniques that enable users to visualize, analyze, query, and predict temporal, spatial, and critical relationships. Whether it is the map on a phone, the navigation system in a car, or the maps that one sees on TV, "geospatial" is all around. In fact, GST has been at the forefront of the news, with scientists, researchers, and the general public needing the most up-to-date information regarding the geographic spread of the COVID-19 virus. Due to the ubiquitous nature of GST and the need for spatial analysis across many disciplines, more and more instructors today -- from middle school through college -- are embedding GST into their curriculum or are offering GST specific courses or programs at their respective institutions. Today, a number of states are beginning to require secondary teachers provide "evidence" of their GST competence in order to teach GST courses. National Map of Geospatial Courses/Programs

The GeoTech Center has been active in the development of teaching resources and professional development opportunities for educators for a number of years. After hosting a series of forums with educators and subject matter experts, the GeoTech Center developed and administered a Geospatial Educators Certification (GeoEdC) pilot program in 2020 with participants completing a skills self-assessment, a geospatial technology MOOC (Massively Open Online Course), and a capstone project.

The benefits of the GeoEdC go beyond simply showing proof of expertise. Rather, the hands-on program provides educators with:

  • Evidence of expertise to teach (or continue/begin to teach) workforce-aligned GST curriculum.

  • Instruction regarding advances/changes in GST.

  • A community of practice (CoP) in order to network, collaborate, and/or share content.

  • Pedagogical techniques to effectively teach GST.

  • Additional skills to create GTCM-based (Geospatial Technology Competency Model) curriculum for real-world, work-related GST applications.

  • Information to share with students regarding career opportunities in the GST industry.

  • Notification to their respective administrators of the achievement.

Applications are now being accepted for our March, 2022 cohort. See the information below.



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