Classes for Youth
Classes & Events
Offered at our Kihei Location
Entrance is on Liloa Drive, Across from Lokelani Intermediate School & the South Maui Community Park
After School
Six-Week Class Series | Drop-ins Welcome

April 9 - May 14 | 3:00PM - 4:15PM
(Every Tuesday)
Come enjoy science, tech, engineering, art, and math! Dive into hands-on science labs, experience COOL technology like virtual reality, apps to create Stop Motion Animation, and more! Design & build rockets, 3D Print, and make new friends along the way!
$135 for 6 Sessions$25 Drop-Ins for Each Class

Digital Storytelling
April 18 - May 23 | 3:00PM - 4:15PM
(Every Thursday)
Discover a variety of ways to tell your own stories! Using iPads, tripods, lighting, and green screens - produce your own videos, stop motion animation movies, drawing animations, and more! Design a digital comic strip! Join the fun of digital storytelling!
$135 for 6 Sessions$25 Drop-Ins for Each Class
Saturday Events
Registration NOW OPEN!

Interested in Applying for Class Tuition Assistance?
Submit an Application, and we will see how we can help.
Families Impacted by Fires Strongly Encouraged to APPLY!

We believe that, through innovative education, all learners can develop skills for their future while creating a better world.