About Us

Learning Endeavors is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire the next generation of leaders by developing and managing innovative education programs in Hawai’i and beyond.
Core Beliefs
Our vision is to provide leadership and inspiration in innovative science and technology education aligned to these core beliefs:
Youth deserve opportunities to solve real world problems as a part of their education so they can become empowered citizens.
Global challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss require new approaches to education, ones that integrate cultural awareness and environmental justice.
Geospatial technology tools and critical thinking skills are essential to innovative leadership development and informed, place-based decision making.
Field-based, outdoor education connects learners with nature and nurtures curiosity and compassion for our Earth System.
Mission Statement
We believe that all youth deserve opportunities to investigate the place where they live and to impact its future.
Our Team
Joyce Haase
Moloka'i Education Coordinator
Daisy Mae Park
Anela Warren
Program Coordinator
Program Assistant
Summer Camp Assistant